“Come to the Table” was the very first song we wrote for this project. We had flown out to the lake house and we had our friend Ben Glover come in and we were sitting down and thinking and just trying to get that perfect step, that perfect start.
And this was the song that came to our hearts and i love it, i love that line, “motley crew of misfits.” We had a little discussion when that line came up and Ben Glover came up with that he said, “I like this dude.” And to me this is the honest truth.
When we recorded this album we actually had a movie that went along with every single song on the album. And the movie for this song was “Hook.” And when Ben Glover said that line, “motley crew of misfits…” I instantly thought of that scene where Peter Pan and Rufio and everybody is throwing food at each other. And it just reminded me of the people that God calls…we are the lost boys, we are the lost children of God and we need to come back home. And so that come to the table is for everybody…it’s for those that are uncouth, it’s for the thieves, the liars, the doubters, the sinners. This song just kinda brings it all together.
So if you hear this song and you see Rufio throwing mashed potatoes at people, thats cool, but I hope honestly that this song goes even deeper than that to the heart of whoever is out there that feels lost…you’re welcome at the table of Christ. And the verse that goes along with that is Mark 2:16-17, this the perfect summation that God came not for the righteous, but for the sinners…
- Sidewalk Prophets
As this is not my most favorite song of all time, the full table at the end of the song means so much to me. If we could all come together in His name!
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I LOVE THIS SONG! When I heard it, it hadn’t been very long since I had studied the chapter of John. My favorite part of the chapter is John 21 when Jesus appears to the disciples and invites them to the breakfast table. Even Peter who denied Jesus was welcome. That’s what I envision when I hear the song. That’s a picture of such grace and mercy. Thank you guys for that
I definitely relate with the lost boys, after meeting my biological father at the age of 26 and meeting my grandmother for the first time she referred to my brother and I as the last boys. I barely got to know her before she passed away she was a wonderful lady. Since Then I have to become every more so lost and every bit of a mis-fit. I constantly feel like my life is spiraling out of control maybe even more so since I recommitted my life to God 2 years ago now. You Guys are truly a God send to me and your music speaks to my soul! Music is the one thing that keeps me centered and keeps me moving closer to Christ! I wish I could meet you guys your such a Inspiration to me in such a dark time God bless you and your families and everything your involved in and with!!!!!!!
I used to think I was a fairly good person who sinned sometimes and so I needed a Savior. True. Last night, I confessed some deep sin. The realization is that I am a sinner. I will die a sinner. But by the blood of Jesus and his invitation to open the door and eat with Him. I can feast on His goodness and abide in Him. I don’t bring anything to the table and yet He invites me daily. He put this song on my heart this morning. I just cried in worship of Him. There is no one like Him.